Yellow Lab Puppies South Carolina USA
Yellow Lab Puppies For Sale In South Carolina USA. We sell Labrador Retriever Puppies of all colors including; yellow, black, white, and chocolate. We try to offer everyone the same experience with a lab that we come to love. We are a small family in Lodge, SC that love to hunt and test our dogs to the best of their abilities. We are located at 11840 Ashton Road, Lodge, SC 29082. The Labrador Retriever is unusually adaptable, obedient, and kind-hearted. Pet Breeder in South Carolina USA.
Hunt Test Lab pups, Gundog pups, Hunting Retriever puppies, Labrador dog training pups. We specialize in breeding Labrador puppies which also are referred to as Lab Puppies, Labrador Lab puppies for sale in SC, SC Labrador breeder, South Carolina Black, Chocolate, Yellow pups. Adopt Lab Dogs in South Carolina. They have a very keen sense of smell.
Most Labrador Retrievers are athletic; puppies are particularly active.
Southern Master Labs is a family owned kennel located just outside of Greenville South Carolina in the beautiful town of Travelers Rest. We specialize in all colorations of Labrador Retriever Puppies: black , yellow, chocolate, silver, charcoal, champagne, and fox red. We have our lab puppies in Georgia and all of the southeast region including Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and other states * all across the US. If you are interested in one of our puppies, please contact us about future placement.
But don’t take our word for it. Read the personal testimonials from prominent Lab owners from around the country. And visit our Puppy Page or call Woody or Judi for up-to-date puppy information. On 22 March 1786, a bill was introduced in the state senate to create a new state capital for South Carolina. In need of a good home! Just has a brand new litter! Scout was a dog I rescued as a puppy.
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